Cupidity vs. Concern

-greed vs. generous

-strong desire vs. strong undesire


-In the movie, Lord of the Rings, a Gollum’s cupidity for the ring causes him to do drastic, foolish actions.




-However, Aragon’s  concern for money and wealth is not important, rather his concern was for his kingdom and his people.



-Michael Jackson, a famous music artist, had such a strong cupidity to look young that he underwent endless plastic surgeries(english720).


-Bill Gates, a wealthy computer geek, had no strong desire to gain more wealth and totally unconcerned about Wall Street.


-cupid = Roman god of erotic love

-ity = quality, state, degree





Synonym Sets

{covetousness, cupidity, avariciousness} vs. {sympathy, concern, compassion, pity}


Cupidity is a difficult word to find an antonym.  Cupidity is a degree of covetousness  and covetousness is a type of envy.  Envy is a kind of bitterness towards someone’s good fortune. Sympathy is a kind of happiness towards someone’s good fortune. Concern is type of sympathy. So antinomies are not so easily defined.  Plus,  a word may have many senses and that just makes it more difficult.


Don’t let Cupid fool you into thinking that this is a sweet, innocent word. According to legend, if the god Cupid hits you with one of his arrows, you will be transformed into a love hungry maniac. Most cartoons depict this as humorous and cute, but it can also mean a psychotic, ludicrous pursuit of love even if the other person is not interested. Cupidity is often used to refer to serious and negative desire that leads one to do irrational actions(english720).

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